Gail Smith received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Florida Atlantic University. She did graduate studies at Westminster Choir College as well as research in Berlin at the Mendelssohn Archives.
Gail is one of the foremost composer/arrangers in the field of sacred piano music. She is recognized as an outstanding educator in the field of improvisation with many schools using her landmark book, The “Complete Book of Improvisation, Chord Progressions & Fills”.
Gail has given workshops and concerts all over the U.S, Japan, Sweden and Germany. She has authored numerous books and the method book “Celebrate the Piano” which was published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. An interesting part of her concert, which she performs on many occasions is the “Prepared Piano” where she requests credit cards from the audience along with other various objects and places then is strategic areas on the strings.
Gail has done extensive research on many women composers and is the author of “Four Centuries of Women Composers” and “The Life and Music of Fanny Mendelssohn".
As an arranger, Gail was the front-runner with her many books of hymns combined with classical piano repertoire published by Lillenas and FJH. She has hundreds of published piano arrangements as well as original compositions and a hymn in the “Trinity Hymnal”. Also, Gail has composed two Cantatas, a Piano Trio, and a work for eight-hands. Her unique book of “Palindromes” has numerous piano solos that sound the same whether played backwards or forwards and she has composed the world’s first reversible piano solo.
Many of her articles have appeared in ‘Clavier’ magazine and other publications. She is a member of ASCAP, Music Teachers National Association, Freedoms Foundation of Valley forge, The National League of American Pen Women and has taught piano students from the age of 3 to 99. Gail was the pianist at the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for many years under the ministry of Dr. D. James Kennedy. She was the accompanist for Daniel Rodriguez, “The Singing Policeman of 9/11” in his 2009 “Tour across American”. A diversity of styles and variety of sounds are her trademark in concerts and she has over a dozen recordings including hymn arrangements, original piano solos, and classical music. Portraying Fanny Mendelssohn or Anna Magdalena Bach in concerts brings every element of Gail’s talent into focus. She loves to teach, perform, compose and help others learn and enjoy music in an entertaining way.
To schedule a concert in your area, the contact information is:
Gail Smith
Post Office Box 9583
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33310
Phone: 954-491-NOTE (6683)
Web site: GailSmithPianist.com
eMail: GailSmith@earthlink.net